
Saturday, June 21, 2014

A novel way to end the superbug reign

A novel way to end the superbug reign

A team of researchers from the University of East Anglia, in the UK, have found a weak spot in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. These bacteria are found in our gastrointestinal tract, and due to the wide misuse of antibiotics, some are now antibiotic-resistant.
These superbugs can cause a variety of ailments that range from blood infection to pneumonia and meningitis. Changjiang Dong, the leading researcher, told Wired UK: “These drug resistance numbers increase every year, making antibiotics useless, which results in hundreds and thousands of patient’s deaths.” 
But now Dong and his team found out that they can be killed. They found that these bacteria use two proteins, Lpt D and E, to create their outer membrane. The solution is simply to block the path for these proteins, rendering the superbugs unable to defend themselves. 
This works opens up a whole new pathway for the development of drugs that can stop superbugs.
“The really exciting thing about this research is that new drugs will specifically target the protective barrier around the bacteria, rather than the bacteria itself,” said Dong in a news release. “Because new drugs will not need to enter the bacteria itself, we hope that the bacteria will not be able to develop drug resistance in future.” 
The results of this study were published in the journal Nature.

Researchers have discovered that algae in low-light conditions are able to switch a quantum behavior off and on during photosynthesis.

Researchers have discovered that algae in low-light conditions are able to switch a quantum behavior off and on during photosynthesis.
The team led by scientists from the University of New South Wales in Australia suspect this could help the algae harvest energy from the Sun more efficiently.
The phenomenon is quantum coherence. A system that is coherent - with all quantum waves in step with each other - can exist in many different states at once, an effect known as superposition.
Usually scientists only see this behaviour occurring the lab, but the scientists were surprised to find that the transfer of energy between molecules in the light harvesting systems of two different algae was coherent.
The work was done on cryptophytes, single-celled organisms that live at the bottom of pools of water or under thick ice, in very low levels or light.
Learning more about why these algae switch quantum coherence on and off could lead to technological advances, such as better organic solar cells and quantum-based electronic devices. The research is published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
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Meet the Inch Worm From Hell: the Predatory Hawaiian Caterpillar

Meet the Inch Worm From Hell: the Predatory Hawaiian Caterpillar
The Predatory Hawaiian Caterpillar (Eupithecia orichloris) has evolved to fulfill a niche normally occupied by insects like praying mantises. Since there aren’t any on the islands of Hawaii, something had to step up and become a super insectivorous predator. This guy! It blends in almost to perfection amongst the dense foliage of its habitat and waits patiently until an unsuspecting insect wanders by. You see, these Predatory Caterpillar’s have long, thin appendages on their abdomen which act as sensory organs. When something touches these sensory appendages, the sinister caterpillar will bend back and quickly strike the confused insect. To make matters worse (for the insect) these guys are equipped with raptor-like claws to tightly constrain their squirming meals. The little animation below shows just how deadly these things can be.

Neuroscience’s New Toolbox

With the invention of optogenetics and other technologies, researchers can investigate the source of emotions, memory, and consciousness for the first time.
What might be called the “make love, not war” branch of behavioral neuroscience began to take shape in (where else?) California several years ago, when researchers in David J. Anderson’s laboratory at Caltech decided to tackle the biology of aggression. They initiated the line of research by orchestrating the murine version of Fight Night: they goaded male mice into tangling with rival males and then, with painstaking molecular detective work, zeroed in on a smattering of cells in the hypothalamus that became active when the mice started to fight.
The hypothalamus is a small structure deep in the brain that, among other functions, coördinates sensory inputs—the appearance of a rival, for example—with instinctual behavioral responses. Back in the 1920s, Walter Hess of the University of Zurich (who would win a Nobel in 1949) had shown that if you stuck an electrode into the brain of a cat and electrically stimulated certain regions of the hypothalamus, you could turn a purring feline into a furry blur of aggression. Several interesting hypotheses tried to explain how and why that happened, but there was no way to test them. Like a lot of fundamental questions in brain science, the mystery of aggression didn’t go away over the past century—it just hit the usual empirical roadblocks. We had good questions but no technology to get at the answers.
By 2010, Anderson’s Caltech lab had begun to tease apart the underlying mechanisms and neural circuitry of aggression in their pugnacious mice. Armed with a series of new technologies that allowed them to focus on individual clumps of cells within brain regions, they stumbled onto a surprising anatomical discovery: the tiny part of the hypothalamus that seemed correlated with aggressive behavior was intertwined with the part associated with the impulse to mate. That small duchy of cells—the technical name is the ventromedial hypothalamus—turned out to be an assembly of roughly 5,000 neurons, all marbled together, some of them seemingly connected to copulating and others to fighting.
“There’s no such thing as a generic neuron,” says Anderson, who estimates that there may be up to 10,000 distinct classes of neurons in the brain. Even tiny regions of the brain contain a mixture, he says, and these neurons “often influence behavior in different, opposing directions.” In the case of the hypothalamus, some of the neurons seemed to become active during aggressive behavior, some of them during mating behavior, and a small subset—about 20 percent—during both fighting and mating.
That was a provocative discovery, but it was also a relic of old-style neuroscience. Being active was not the same as causing the behavior; it was just a correlation. How did the scientists know for sure what was triggering the behavior? Could they provoke a mouse to pick a fight simply by tickling a few cells in the hypothalamus?

Cerebellum: the brain’s locomotion control center

Cerebellum: the brain’s locomotion control center
The cerebellum of a mouse is shown here in cross-section. The cerebellum is the brain’s locomotion control center. Every time you shoot a basketball, tie your shoe or chop an onion, your cerebellum fires into action. Found at the base of your brain, the cerebellum is a single layer of tissue with deep folds like an accordion. People with damage to this region of the brain often have difficulty with balance, coordination and fine motor skills.
Image courtesy of Thomas Deerinck, National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research, University of California, San Diego. Part of the exhibit Life:Magnified by ASCB and NIGMS.

few fun physics facts about summer

In honor of the first day of summer here in the Northern Hemisphere, a few fun physics facts about summer, courtesy of the Perimeter Institute (check out more here)

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Scientists work on ‘quantum superclock’ to reveal mysteries of time itself

Physicists say they believe they’re on track to creating a “quantum superclock” that would revolutionize the way the world tells time.
If the work proves to be a success, than the concept of time as it’s currently understood could be changed drastically and allow a whole new idea of accuracy to prevail.

Sign The Petition to Keep the National Zoo’s Invertebrate House Open!

Okay, pause your scrolling, guys, and listen up. I recently found out that the National Zoo in D.C is planning to close the Invertebrates House, where they exhibit honeybees, leaf-cutter ants, and butterflies,cuttlefish, octopi, blue crabs, anemones, orb-weaving spiders, and many other species.  
Invertebrates make up make up roughly 97% of earth’s discovered species, including the disappearing honeybees, dwindling coral reefs, and fantastic tropical butterflies.
 So, science side and bee enthusiasts,let’s get on signing this petition, and signal-boosting the hell out of this! Sign here.

Milkweed borer beetle

Milkweed borer beetle (Tetraopes tetrophthalmus), family Cerambycidae,Columbia National Wildlife Refuge, WA , USA. Like other insects that feed on poisonous milkweed plants (Asclepias spp.), this longhorn beetle is toxic (and warns as much with its bright colors)
photograph by David E. Goeke

The Olive Ridley Sea Turtle

The Olive Ridley Sea Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea)

… is considered the most abundant sea turtle in the world, with an estimated 800,000 nesting females annually. On Rushikulya Beach in India, an estimated 200,000 turtles nested during a single “arribada ” (mass nesting period). Arribada’s are mass nesting events when females nest in the same place, at the same time. Only ridley species, olive and Kemp’s, nest in this way.

(Learn more: NOAA Fisheries)

Monday, June 16, 2014

Forehead and fingertips most sensitive to pain, research shows (The Guardian)

Forehead and fingertips most sensitive to pain, research shows (The Guardian)

The forehead and fingertips are the most sensitive parts to pain, according to the first map created by scientists of how the ability to feel pain varies across the human body.
It is hoped that the study, in which volunteers had pain inflicted without touching them, could help the estimated 10 million people in the UK who suffer from chronic pain by allowing physicians to use lasers to monitor nerve damage across the body. This would offer a quantitative way to monitor the progression or regression of a condition.
Lead author Dr Flavia Mancini, of the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, said: “Acuity for touch has been known for more than a century, and tested daily in neurology to assess the state of sensory nerves on the body. It is striking that until now nobody had done the same for pain.”

Astronauts to brew coffee on space station with ISSpresso machine

The "ISSpresso," a capsule-based espresso machine, will enable astronauts to brew the hot caffeinated beverage as an alternative to the instant coffee that has been their only option aboard the space station for the past 13 years.

"We have been thinking about taking espresso into space for some time," said Giuseppe Lavazza, vice president of the coffee retailer Lavazza, in a statement. "Today we are in a position to overcome the limits of weightlessness and enjoy a good espresso – the indisputable symbol of made in Italy products – on the International Space Station." 

Lavazza and the Argotec aerospace company created the ISSpresso in collaboration with the Italian Space Agency (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana). Argotec has recently been the company responsible for developing the space food for the European astronauts who have flown to the station.

Solar magnetohydrodynamics

The sun is a magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) system that is not well understood. It is thought that the energy necessary to heat the corona is provided by turbulent motion in the convection zone below thephotosphere, and two main mechanisms have been proposed to explaincoronal heating:
The first is wave heating, in which sound, gravitational or magnetohydrodynamic waves are produced by turbulence in the convection zone. These waves travel upward and dissipate in the corona, depositing their energy in the ambient gas in the form of heat. The other is magnetic heating, in which magnetic energy is continuously built up by photospheric motion and released through magnetic reconnection in the form of large solar flares and myriad similar but smaller events—nanoflares.Currently, it is unclear whether waves are an efficient heating mechanism.
The field of MHD was initiated by Hannes Alfvén, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1970. He described the class of MHD waves now known as Alfvén waves. Observations show that all waves except Alfvén waves have been found to dissipate or refract before reaching the corona.Current research focus has therefore shifted towards flare heating mechanisms.
The magnetic filament above erupted on April 19, 2010. The black “hair-like object” is a speck of dust on the CCD camera.
Credit: SDO/AIA

Did a Disk of Dark Matter Cause the Dinosaurs to Go Extinct?

The scientific community widely accepts the notion that the extinction of dinosaurs was caused by a collision between the Earth and a massive object such as a meteor, the impact of which brought the Earth into an ice age that wiped out up to three-quarters of the species. We've never had a definitive answer, however, for the origin of said massive object. That might be about to change, as several scientists from Harvard theorize that a disk of dark matter at the center of our galaxy may have indirectly caused the collision.

The nature of dark matter remains under investigation by astrophysicists, but there is a near consensus among scientists that the majority of the universe consists of dark matter or dark energy. Dark matter refers to a hypothetical type of matter that accounts for observed phenomena that appear to be the result of mass where mass cannot be seen. Astrophysicists believe that dark matter is matter composed of particles that do not emit or absorb light and that interact only through gravity and the weak force (weakly interacting massive particles, or WIMPS).

Recently, theoretical physicists Lisa Randall and Matthew Reece suggested that a hypothetical type of dark matter could form a sort of disk that runs through the center of the Milky Way. If the solar system were to move through this disk, then the gravitational effects of the dark matter could potentially dislodge comets and meteors from orbit. 
"Those objects are only weakly gravitationally bound," Randall said. "With enough of a trigger, it's possible to dislodge objects from their current orbit. While some will go out of the solar system, others may come into the inner solar system, which increases the likelihood that they may hit the Earth." 
According to the model created by Randall and her team, the solar system would pass through the disk of dark matter every 35 million years, which is consistent with evidence from impact craters that demonstrates an increase in meteor strikes that occurs periodically on approximately that timetable.
If this model is correct, then scientists would not only need to re-evaluate the mass extinction event, but many other scientific mysteries as well, such as the mechanism by which the massive black holes at the center of galaxies form. 
"One possibility is that it may 'seed' black holes at the center of galaxies," Randall said. "This is a work in progress. It's an entirely new scenario we're working out, so I don't want to overstate anything, but it's a very interesting possibility." 
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How Our Brains Store Recent Memories, Cell by Single Cell

Findings may shed light on how to treat neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s and epilepsy

Confirming what neurocomputational theorists have long suspected, researchers at the Dignity Health Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Ariz. and University of California, San Diego School of Medicine report that the human brain locks down episodic memories in the hippocampus, committing each recollection to a distinct, distributed fraction of individual cells.
The findings, published in the June 16 Early Edition of PNAS, further illuminate the neural basis of human memory and may, ultimately, shed light on new treatments for diseases and conditions that adversely affect it, such as Alzheimer’s disease and epilepsy.
“To really understand how the brain represents memory, we must understand how memory is represented by the fundamental computational units of the brain – single neurons – and their networks,” said Peter N. Steinmetz, MD, PhD, program director of neuroengineering at Barrow and senior author of the study. “Knowing the mechanism of memory storage and retrieval is a critical step in understanding how to better treat the dementing illnesses affecting our growing elderly population.”
Steinmetz, with first author John T. Wixted, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Larry R. Squire, PhD, professor in the departments of neurosciences, psychiatry and psychology, both at UC San Diego, and colleagues, assessed nine patients with epilepsy whose brains had been implanted with electrodes to monitor seizures. The monitoring recorded activity at the level of single neurons.
The patients memorized a list of words on a computer screen, then viewed a second, longer list that contained those words and others. They were asked to identify words they had seen earlier, and to indicate how well they remembered them. The observed difference in the cell-firing activity between words seen on the first list and those not on the list clearly indicated that cells in the hippocampus were representing the patients’ memories of the words.
The researchers found that recently viewed words were stored in a distributed fashion throughout the hippocampus, with a small fraction of cells, about 2 percent, responding to any one word and a small fraction of words, about 3 percent, producing a strong change in firing in these cells.
"Intuitively, one might expect to find that any neuron that responds to one item from the list would also respond to the other items from the list, but our results did not look anything like that. The amazing thing about these counterintuitive findings is that they could not be more in line with what influential neurocomputational theorists long ago predicted must be true," said Wixted.
Although only a small fraction of cells coded recent memory for any one word, the scientists said the absolute number of cells coding memory for each word was large nonetheless – on the order of hundreds of thousands at least. Thus, the loss of any one cell, they noted, would have a negligible impact on a person’s ability to remember specific words recently seen.
Ultimately, the scientists said their goal is to fully understand how the human brain forms and represents memories of places and things in everyday life, which cells are involved and how those cells are affected by illness and disease. The researchers will next attempt to determine whether similar coding is involved in memories of pictures of people and landmarks and how hippocampal cells representing memory are impacted in patients with more severe forms of epilepsy.
Pictured: Human neuron showing actin formation in response to stimulation. Michael A. Colicos, UC San Diego

Nervous Guts

Nervous Guts
Buried within the gut is a complex network of nerve cells – probably the most complex part of the nervous system outside the brain. It’s responsible for controlling the muscles that squeeze food through the gut, as well as directing the production of mucus and molecules involved in digestion. Problems with these nerves can lead to all kinds of health issues, including chronic constipation, diarrhoea or faecal incontinence, and at the moment there are few effective treatments. Scientists have now managed to grow human nerve stem cells from the gut in the lab. They form the blobby structures in these pictures, which have been stained to reveal DNA (blue) and important stem cell proteins (red and green). These blobs, called neurosphere-like bodies, can be transplanted into mice to replace damaged gut nerves, and could form the basis of future stem cell therapies to help people affected by chronic gut problems.
Written by Kat Arney
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How To Create Microscopic Crystal Flowers

(Nanowerk News) Part of being human means living with the understanding that, sometimes, seeing isn’t the only route to believing. For centuries, scientists have battled the nebulous challenges presented by the invisible through rigorous experiments of exponentially shrinking scale. It is exactly this cat-and-mouse game of conquest that has provided many of the fundaments upon which modern science rests. In order to discover cells, for example, both scientists Robert Hooke and Antonie van Leeuwenhoek constructed their own microscopes to seek out these tiny universes. Similarly, in order to examine the worlds of bacteria and microbes, in 1931, German physicists Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska constructed the first prototype of the electron microscope.
Today, science is pushing the limits of what we can and cannot see, by not only using the electron microscope to its fullest potentials, but creating art beneath it. Using combinations of chemicals, refined lab techniques, and the finest in optical technologies, two Harvard scientists have begun creating intricate crystalline structures that look quite a bit like delicate, organic flower blossoms.

NASA Hubble to begin search beyond Pluto for a New Horizons mission target

NASA Hubble to begin search beyond Pluto for a New Horizons mission target
After careful consideration and analysis, the Hubble Space Telescope Time Allocation Committee has recommended using Hubble to search for an object the Pluto-bound NASA New Horizons mission could visit after its flyby of Pluto in July 2015.
The planned search will involve targeting a small area of sky in search of a Kuiper Belt object (KBO) for the outbound spacecraft to visit. The Kuiper Belt is a vast debris field of icy bodies left over from the solar system’s formation 4.6 billion years ago. A KBO has never been seen up close because the belt is so far from the sun, stretching out to a distance of 5 billion miles into a never-before-visited frontier of the solar system.
"I am pleased that our science peer-review process arrived at a consensus as to how to effectively use Hubble’s unique capabilities to support the science goals of the New Horizons mission," said Matt Mountain, director of the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland.
Fully carrying out the KBO search is contingent on the results from a pilot observation using Hubble data. 
The space telescope will scan an area of sky in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius to try and identify any objects orbiting within the Kuiper Belt. To discriminate between a foreground KBO and the clutter of background stars in Sagittarius, the telescope will turn at the predicted rate that KBOs are moving against the background stars. In the resulting images, the stars will be streaked, but any KBOs should appear as pinpoint objects.
If the test observation identifies at least two KBOs of a specified brightness it will demonstrate statistically that Hubble has a chance of finding an appropriate KBO for New Horizons to visit. At that point, an additional allotment of observing time will continue the search across a field of view roughly the angular size of the full moon.
Image credit: JHUAPL/SwRI

Benham’s disk

Benham’s disk.
People report seeing different colours while looking at it, from Brown to Green to Yellow to Purple. Some people see no colours at all, and some see a variation of all of them.
The phenomenon is not entirely understood, one possible theory however has to do with the colour receptors in the eyes responding at different rates to red, green, and blue.
What colour do you see? 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

When Good People Do Bad Things

When Good People Do Bad Things
Read the full article When Good People Do Bad Things at
Being in a group makes some people lose touch with their personal moral beliefs, researchers find.
When people get together in groups, unusual things can happen — both good and bad. Groups create important social institutions that an individual could not achieve alone, but there can be a darker side to such alliances: Belonging to a group makes people more likely to harm others outside the group.
The research is in NeuroImage. (full access paywall)
Research: “Reduced self-referential neural response during intergroup competition predicts competitor harm” by M Cikara, AC Jenkins, N Dufour, and R Saxe in Neuroimage. Published online June 2014 doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.03.080
Image: When people are in a group, they feel more anonymous, and less likely to be caught doing something wrong. They may also feel a diminished sense of personal responsibility for collective actions. The image shows one of Banksy’s murals called ‘Riot’. The image is for illustrative purposes only. Credit Sal Taylor Kydd.

Cinammon Frog

Nyctixalus pictus (Rhacophoridae) is a beautiful frog of lowland and hillside rainforests of Asia, commonly known as Cinammon Frog, White-spotted tree frog, and Spotted Tree Frog.
Besides the unique dorsal coloration of this attractive frog, which ranges from orange to brown (cinnamon), flecked with tiny white spots, its eyes are striking since upper half of iris is white, while lower half is brown.
This species is a phytothelm breeder, meaning that tadpoles develop in miniature water bodies in or on plants or parts of plants that are either living or about to die, such as bromeliads, pitcher plants or even fungus. 
This species, regarded as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List, can be found in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
References: [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5]

Photo credit: ©Norhayti Ahmad
Locality: Malaysia


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